Our company is fully aware of the Environment, and our main concern is not only to comply with current environmental regulations, but also to have an environmental policy defined in our daily activity that is transmitted to our suppliers, customers, etc. and having achieved the following certifications.

-Cofrutos S.A, is certified by AENOR in ISO 14001 (since June 22, 2007)

-Cofrutos, S.A. is attached (dated March 2007) to the General Protocol between the Autonomous Community and organizations representing social and economic life to promote environmental responsibility and sustainable development in the framework of the Social Pact for the Environment.

-Cofrutos, S.A. It has an Integrated Environmental Authorization dated June 1, 2009.

-Also certified in EMAS; Regulation of Ecogestion and Ecoauditoría; with number VM-09/61 dated December 16, 2009, leaving all our data on consumption, waste, emissions, etc. reflected in the Environmental Statement that is published annually.


1.PACKAGING: Cofrutos, is attached to ECOEMBES with accession number 00168, as a company that puts products packed in the market and complying with their waste recovery obligations.

2.DISCHARGES: Our discharges go to the Municipal Network and we have Discharge Authorization dated October 19, 2005.

3. WASTE: All our waste is removed by an authorized manager and we are registered in the Registry of small producers since May 1999, and subsequent extension in May 2008.

There is a record book where each of the generated hazardous waste is recorded, the amounts and the manager that withdraws them.

 4. ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONS: We perform periodic analysis by ECA of our emission sources, with the results obtained being well below the maximum levels permitted according to the application legislation.

5. NOISES: Noise measurements made give results within the limits allowed according to the application legislation.

 Complying with the requirements of the EMAS Regulation;

"The last validated Environmental Declaration, can be requested through the email medioambiente@cofrutos.com"

"The last Environmental validated Declaration, it is possible to request across the mail medioambiente@cofrutos.com"

"The Decade for Environmentally Valid Validation, on peut solliciter à travers du courrier medioambiente@cofrutos.com"